Become a Reebok Affiliate

Consider being an affiiate for Reebok. Reebok has a vast amount of merchandise and is a well known and respected merchant.

Highlights of our affiliate program are:
7% commission on all sales
30 day cookie - You get credit for any orders within 30 days of the original click placed by the customer
Average order size of $100
Product datafeed so that you can feature Reebok products directly from your website
$5 affiliate referrals: Invite your website-owning and blogging friends to join Reebok's affiliate program and earn $5 for each friend who's approved
Dedicated affiliate management team from Acceleration Partners.
Monthly newsletter with updates on promotions, contests, and sales opportunities
Affiliate Program Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become an affiliate of Reebok? You can become a Reebok affiliate here.

You have the ability to blog and place information on your social media sites. You can market and advertise. Think about creating and advertising site to help to gain new customers. Don't forget about offline marketing with phamphlets, brochures, and business cards. Think about running a Google Ad to draw people to your blog or websites.